by Richard Tyler | Jun 12, 2024 | Blog
It’s Thursday June 12th, 2024 and we have just edged ourselves into Men’s Health Week. For those of you who have read any of my work, you will know I am no fan of days and weeks that hold a specific agenda; World Fairy Day, Global Ant Week, National Day of Eating...
by Richard Tyler | Dec 14, 2021 | Blog, Uncategorized
I’m not quite sure how to begin this message. In fact I’m not actually sure what to include in it or how to end it!!Kelly and I have been a little quieter on social during the last couple of weeks. We’ve been trying to get our heads and hearts around something that...
by Richard Tyler | Jul 28, 2021 | Blog
Willy Waving; the male dominated act of showing off. Bigging up. Claiming that I have more than you, bigger than you and better than you. Posturing. Puffing out the chest. I’ve been caught in the cross fire of some seemingly random willy waving in recent weeks. It’s...
by Richard Tyler | Jul 21, 2021 | Blog
Hurrah For Freedom Day!!!! Errrrmmmmmm…. After much drum banging, chest beating, whistle blowing and running pantless through the streets of London with his blond locks flowing in the wind, Boris brings us Freedom Day! Yay. A moment to celebrate, party, snog strangers...
by Richard Tyler | Jul 11, 2021 | Blog
I’m wondering….I’m just curious….and perhaps slightly on edge…this post might divide people and that is not my intention. I sense a whiff of Premature EMATCHulation – ‘It’s coming home’ – for many people,...