by Richard Tyler | Jun 11, 2021 | Blog
It’s a curious thing…We often tend to go out of our way to make a fuss over other people. We might throw our arms around them and greet them with love and warmth. We give effort to taking care of them. We work to communicate with clarity. We offer them a place to go...
by Richard Tyler | Apr 19, 2021 | Blog
I’ve literally hunted high and low. I seem to have misplaced the handbook. The instructions. The guide. You know what I mean, that book you are given soon after you are born. The one which details how to navigate life. I must have been given it at some point, right?...
by Richard Tyler | Feb 15, 2021 | Blog
Our household was a little chaotic this morning; window cleaner (the dog wants to eat him!), prepping for an early work call, trying to tread lightly around the house (Sleeping Beauty Teenager) and Timmy the Door Trimmer (the dog wants to eat him too!). Timmy is a...
by Richard Tyler | Feb 8, 2021 | Blog
Who doesn’t love a bit of junk food, huh? Whilst I eat a plant based diet, so give a wide berth to Big Mac’s, I’m a sucker for a crisps, chocolate, chips and a Big Coke. That combination of salt and sugar slips down a treat. My taste buds tingle. My...
by Richard Tyler | Feb 1, 2021 | Blog
Emily looked up from her desk. She could barely see more than a few feet in front of her through the gloopy wafts of smoke. The back of her throat felt burnt. The taste was foul. Each breath took more effort than the last. As she looked around, she was just able...
by Richard Tyler | Jan 18, 2021 | Blog
It’s Blue Monday today. The day where you will undoubtedly feel depressed and sad. Because it’s Blue. And….it’s a Monday. And because it’s cold outside. Unless you live in the Mediterranean. In which case, you might feel happy. Because...