Experience Creativity.
Think Less and Feel More
As a society we spend most of our time in our heads. We over-think things with far too many tabs open in our mind. The pace of life is frenetic and we become frantic with it.
That’s one of the reasons that cute animal videos or inspirational TED talks get so many views. For a precious few minutes, we can remind ourselves what it’s like to stop and drop into our hearts.
At BTFI we offer so many transformative digital resources, but it’s our live events that bring the magic. They’re where we get to demonstrate how creativity can help you access your genius ideas, while sharing meaningful interactions with others. Face-to-face. Real time. Human to human. Heart to heart.
Our ongoing live events programme and annual Heart In Minds Festival are fully immersive educational experiences, focusing on mental health, relationships and entrepreneurship.
Dates & locations of our next events are To Be Announced Soon.